One of the amazing and retrograde facts about lockdowns is that they put us in a position of not having our petitions for redress of grievances heard. It wasn't as bad as the colonialists being separated from their rulers by an ocean that took several weeks to cross. But did Newsom meet, face to face, a single opponent of lockdowns in 2020?

This suppression apparently still happens in California: people who speak up at school board meetings and city council meetings get their microphones cut off arbitrarily.

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Guy from Redding CA here. Best of luck getting anything to change! I'm all for having more choices. In this town we also have right-wing zealots who vote for anyone spouting the most reactionary things. But statewide, clearly the people in DIRE need of a real challenge are the Democrats. Enough of gender confabulations taught as fact in schools (biology knows that there are exactly two and mammals cannot change their genders), enough of high and mighty left-wing Pharisees proclaiming their virtue while helping no one except their rich consultant friends! If everything worked well we would pay our taxes gladly! But California's state government is ridiculous, endlessly greedy for new regulations and more jobs at this Board and that Department.

It needs pruning!

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Spot on - thank you for including references to back up what you wrote!

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Excellent piece, Julie. The brilliance of our Constitution lies in the fact it is not a document of what our government can do, but rather what it CANNOT do. The government serves US, not the other way around. Our freedoms are neither contingent nor negotiable. Democrats would be wise to rediscover that.

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NewScum and the supermajority sure do love their Budget Trailer Bills too.


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